SEO Techniques (and why Search Optics uses the good ones)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your Web site so it appears higher in the organic, natural, unpaid results in search engines. The varying techniques used for SEO can be lumped into two main categories: White Hat SEO & Black Hat SEO.

Both practices share the same goal of bringing a website to the highest possible organic position. However, as their names suggest, White Hat SEO techniques are safe, reliable, and accepted by Google. While Black Hat SEO techniques use “methods such as link farms, keyword stuffing and article spinning that degrade both the relevance of search results and the user-experience of search engines. Search engines look for sites that employ these techniques in order to remove them from their indices,” says Wikipedia.

If you hire a company who uses Black Hat SEO techniques it’s very possible you will get banned from Google.

Black Hat SEO is the equivalent of SPAM in your email inbox. Unwanted email makes it to your inbox just like unwanted search engine results make it into your search results. With potentially equally harmful results as many who use Black Hat SEO techniques will optimize harmful websites that will automatically download viruses to your computer.

Search Optics, Inc. only uses White Hat SEO techniques when optimizing your Web site. White Hat techniques also produce longer-lasting, more stable results. While a Black Hat technique might get a top ranking one minute, it will most likely be banned the next. Once you have a very solid ranking, continuing to optimize via White Hat techniques will give you a great chance to retain the ranking.

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